Navi-Gate Cost Compare allows SEGIP members to price prescriptions at individual pharmacies within their selected search distance. Search results are automatically sorted based on cost so you can easily determine which pharmacies offer your prescriptions at the lowest cost. This is especially useful for generic drugs, where the cost to you might be less depending on where you go.
What’s new
The What’s My Copay tool allowed members to determine pricing for specific drugs. With Navi-Gate Cost Compare, you can not only price prescriptions at specific pharmacies, but can also directly compare costs. You can also use the integrated medication history feature to search for prescriptions that you have previously filled.
How to use
To access Navi-Gate Cost Compare, which is accessible on any smartphone, tablet, or computer, log on to your online Navitus account through the member portal. Start a search by selecting the Cost Compare tool. Then, specify member or dependent, provide medication details, and enter a zip code or city. The tool will then display the prescription cost at nearby pharmacies.