MGEC Contract Implementation Update
We are receiving a deluge of communications from the MGEC membership about the date of the payroll implementation of the new contract. We hear you!
Here’s what we know:
- Communications from MMB to MGEC as well as all agency payroll staff advised that all of the negotiated changes – including the 5.5% effective 7/1/23 – as well as all of the other benefits would be implemented 12/20/23. That pay cycle started 12/20/23 and ended 1/2/24;
- The 12/20/23 change should be reflected on the upcoming paycheck to be paid 1/12/24, which is visible in the self-service portal as of 1/8/24;
- We have contacted MMB about why this has not occurred. So far, we’ve gotten an out of office message.
- We are aware that other items such as on-call pay haven’t been updated;
- As soon as MMB responds we will communicate it ASAP via email and the website