X | Present | Present | |
President Fernando Nacionales | X | Director Blake Nelson | X |
Vice President Corey Mathisen | X | Director Brandon JB Nelson | X |
Past President Dan Sullivan | Director Luke Schuette | X | |
Treasurer Wes Leksell | X | Director Mike Rude | X |
Secretary Benton Campbell | Director Mark Trogstad-Isaacson | X | |
Director Carroll Aasen | X | Executive Director Dana Wheeler | X |
Director John Dalton | X | Administrative Assistant Donna Blackwell | X |
Director Jared DeMaster | X | Labor Relations Specialist Tony Kelly | X |
Director Bruce Henningsgaard | X |
Others in attendance: One MGEC full member
Call the Meeting to Order (Fernando Nacionales)
Meeting called to order at 4:38 PM.
Review & Approve Agenda (Fernando Nacionales)
Corey Mathisen moves to approve the agenda, Brandon Nelson seconds. Motion Carries.
Secretary’s Report – Review & Approve Past Minutes (Fernando Nacionales for Benton Campbell)
- January 22, 2024 Minutes
- Mike Rude moves to approve, Brandon Nelson seconds. Motion Carries
- January 31, 2024 Minutes
- One edit – Jared DeMaster was present. Bruce Henningsgaard moves to approve, Luke Schuette seconds. Motion Carries.
President’s Report (Fernando Nacionales)
- Working on updating Donna from contractor to employee, and updating her position description to reflect the work she does.
- Ethics class scheduled and in motion. Thank you to all who helped.
Executive Director’s Report (Dana Wheeler)
- Staff Leave Balances
- Reviewed
- Typo in contract regarding vacation accrual has been updated.
- MnDOT Meet and Confers
- Data request from MGEC
- Federal government shutdown discussion
- Student loan reimbursement
- State budget forecast includes another surplus
Treasurer’s Report (Wes Leksell)
- Wes Leksell moves that MGEC raise membership dues for full members to reflect raises from our recent contract. Dues would be $16.54 per pay period no earlier than the pay period beginning March 13, 2024. Dues would be $17.28 per pay period no earlier than the pay period beginning July 3, 2024. Corey Mathisen seconds. Motion Carries.
Committee Reports (Fernando Nacionales)
- Advocacy Committee (Tony Kelly)
- Met a couple weeks back to discuss ongoing grievances.
- Membership Committee (Mike Rude)
- Planning to have bylaw and constitution proposed changes for board review by March meeting.
- Mike Rude moves to change the PE Reimbursement practice to include additional options and add a benefit for unlicensed members as follows:
Member Education & Training
Classes, seminars, webinars, books, practice exams, online study materials, or other expenses directly support a member’s efforts to prepare for obtaining professional licensure. The maximum one-time reimbursement will be $250. The member must remain a member for at least one year after receiving reimbursement. To apply, the members should submit the MGEC Professional Licensure Review Course Reimbursement Form with a copy of their receipt showing the course and amount paid toward the course. MGEC will only provide funds on a reimbursement basis. This shall not include any fees for the cost of the license exam, the license or renewal of the license.
A class, seminar, or webinar they take that applies to their job classification. The member must first seek reimbursement from their employer. If the State rejects the member’s request, then the member should submit the “MGEC Request for Non-licensed Class/Course Reimbursement” form, the State rejection letter along with a receipt of payment for the class to MGEC. The maximum one-time reimbursement will be up to $250. Reimbursement should be made within 90 days of paying for your class. Must remain a member for at least one year after receiving reimbursement.
Carroll Aasen seconds. Motion Carries.
Membership Update (Donna Blackwell)
- New hires, retirees, outstanding list of recent potential members.
- Ethics Seminar
- 172 people have signed up so far.
Vice President’s Report (Corey Mathisen)
- No updates
Past President’s Report (Dan Sullivan)
- No updates
Other items
- Blake Nelson: Joint Labor Management Committee met last week and sent a survey about health plans. Vision plan survey coming soon.