Our Annual Minnesota Government Engineering Council (MGEC) Elections are coming up soon.
We encourage you to consider running for an office and holding a leadership position in your labor union. MGEC Directors and Officers are critical to the sound governance and operations of your labor union. Volunteering in these positions provides members the opportunity to gain valuable experience in managing projects and tasks; creating content for the website; collaborating, problem solving, and interacting with management, legislators, MGEC staff and other union members- both inside and outside of MGEC.
Each year MGEC holds elections for half of the MGEC Executive Board. The board provides governance for the union and direction for the MGEC staff. The board regularly meets the 4th Monday of each month from 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. (the schedule may change some months due to holidays or other conflicts). The Board discusses and acts on issues related to: member meetings and events, negotiations, professional education, Meet & Confer topics, legislative initiatives, and other topics that may affect or are affecting state employees individually or as a group. Being a Board Member provides leadership and collaboration experience, the opportunity to work with members of other state agencies, and networking opportunities with others in supervisor and management positions. Board positions are volunteer positions. Board Members receive regular quarterly stipends (if they meet the attendance criteria) and expense reimbursements and lost time for eligible MGEC activities.
MGEC’s core role is representing Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and non-licensed engineering professionals in labor discussions with the employer, both individually and collectively. In addition to the core role, other objectives include advocating for State employees and the quality of the work we provide; advancing the professional and economic status of members; supporting continuing education and career growth; keeping members informed of issues important to them; promoting the highest standards of engineering and professional practice among members; and encouraging participation in engineering and related professional societies. MGEC values all of our members and the contributions they bring to both the union and to State service. We do our best to respect the many viewpoints of our diverse membership and specifically invite members from a range of agencies, worksites, job classifications, ages, and backgrounds to run for MGEC office.
In 2019 the following positions are up for election:
Vice President (This is a 3-year term with the roles of: 1 yr. Vice President, 1 yr. President, 1 yr. Past President)
Treasurer (2 yr. term)
Director* (2 yr. term)
*There are 5 Director positions open in 2019.
Any Full Member is welcome to nominate themselves by e-mailing mgec@mgec.org or calling us at 651-774-0996. If you have questions, please call us to discuss them. Each candidate will be asked to provide information for the election materials, including a statement of experience and reasons for seeking to serve members on the MGEC Board. Election materials will be provided to members in advance of the elections and the election will take place electronically commencing in late October and concluding Nov. 5, 2019.