The bargaining cycle for the next MGEC contract kicked off Tuesday, July 18th at the MnDOT Training Center in Arden Hills. MGEC’s bargaining team exchanged proposals with the State in the first of what is expected to be a series of meetings. Additional meetings are scheduled in August through October. Time is needed by both sides in between meetings to study each proposal and carefully consider responses. Often times, proposals (and responses) interact with each other, and all this must be carefully thought out to do right by the membership.
Bargaining a labor contract is rarely a linear process where one party comes in with a series of proposals, listed in priority, and negotiators simply cross items off the list in reverse priority order. The bargaining process tends to be much more dynamic. That’s why MGEC so highly values the experiences that each member of the bargaining team brings – these are your fellow MGEC members who volunteer their expertise to make a better contract. Some have been around for many cycles, and some are brand new. We thank each of them for their dedication and service!
At the first meeting, MGEC presented a comprehensive 37- point proposal that includes:
- 10% wage increases for each year.
- Enshrines into the contract union-friendly changes in state law.
- Seeks wages commensurate with those paid by local public employers.
- Modifies how overtime is calculated for both exempt and non-exempt members.
- Incorporates AFSCME and MAPE contract wins (meal reimbursements, shift differential, comp time conversion…)
- Additional enhancements are available in the full version available online.
The state, in turn, presented its proposal that included many elements that have been offered in previous cycles – and previously rejected by MGEC – including:
- Increasing mileage from 35 to 50 miles for several contract provisions (meals, relocation)
- Requiring notification of 21 days if vacations of more than 5 days need to be cancelled.
- Requiring employees who observe religious holidays to not alter their schedules in any way that results in the payment of overtime.
- Require employees who are exercising their lateral rights to be “position qualified.”
- The employer wants the ability to unilaterally impose probation extensions.
- An option for a one-step temporary salary reduction as a new form of discipline.
- Make the losing party in arbitrations pay the full expenses of arbitration.
- Makes relocation expense reimbursement unavailable if the relocation isn’t a condition of employment.
- No wage proposal offered, other than to reject MGEC market-based pay and other compensation proposals.
At this early point in bargaining, the issues and priorities expressed by the parties are different. MGEC is seeking improvements and to include in the contract new laws impacting terms and conditions of employment. The state seems to want more authority, to restrict expense reimbursement, and avoid adding clarity or new information to the contract. In coming meetings, the parties will get a better understanding of whether they can come together and what the state’s wage proposals will be. The bargaining team sees the challenge ahead and is ready to meet it.
Bargaining team: Carroll Aasen, Benton Campbell, Mohammad Dehdashti, Tony Kelly, Corey Mathisen, Fernando Nacionales, Blake Nelson, Jennifer Reichensperger, Mike Rude, Luke Schuette, Dan Sullivan, Todd Vonasek, Dana Wheeler