“Meet and Confer” meetings are held at the agency and labor level to address specific concerns that aren’t part of bargaining but still important to MGEC members. Most of the time, they apply to issues and concerns within agencies, but sometimes they can also act as a success story to others. An example occurred at the Department of Health. Fernando Nacionales and Corey Mathisen, current MGEC President and Vice President respectively, called to MDH’s attention the nuisance of having to produce receipts for every meal to be reimbursed. It’s not an area that has a lot of fraud, and the ... Read More >>
Activity/Organization updates
MGEC Ethics Seminar Recap
On Thursday, April 4th, MGEC hosted a webinar on ethics as a free benefit for its full members. Facilitated by Hamline Distinguished Law Professor David Schultz, the theme of the presentation centered on how the process of normalizing unethical behaviors can happen through an authoritarian permission structure. Professor Schlutz recounted the Milgram experiments of the early 1960s, which showed that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary unethical things if the conditions are right (or wrong!). While Milgram demonstrated that ordinary people would be willing to shock test subjects if ... Read More >>
Keep your Position Description Updated!
Your Position Description (PD) is the basis of all things relating to your compensation: job audits, reallocations, or agency-initiated compensation studies all use the PD as the first step in determining whether how your paid reflects what you actually do. These assessments can be initiated by you via the MGEC contract (such as in a Job Audit or Reallocation), or they can be initiated by your agency (MDH’s agency-wide compensation study as mentioned in last month’s member update). We want you to be paid fairly for what you do! It is very important to review and update your PD as needed. ... Read More >>
Retirement – what are some things I should know?
Nearing retirement? Congratulations! You’ve worked a long time to reach this day. Before it happens, there are many things to attend to. Communicate with MSRS about your pension benefits. Only they can answer detailed questions pertaining to your benefits. Attending one of their retirement presentations will also provide you with many good ideas. Here are some that I find interesting. Retirees should have at least 10 things to do a week. Cost of health insurance for 65: $95,000 to $165,000 If alive at age 65, 50% chance of living to age 90; 25% chance of living to age 98. ... Read More >>
MGEC Dues Increase
The MGEC Board has approved a dues increase for full members. Starting with the March 13 pay period, dues will be $16.54. We don’t increase dues without great consideration. Current MGEC full member dues are $15.68 per pay period. They have been that amount since 2020. The dues increase is equal to the wage increase MGEC employees received in their most recent contract. The first increase of $0.86 (5.5% to $16.54) will take place no earlier than the March 13, 2024, pay period. A second increase of $0.74 (4.5% to $17.28) will take place no earlier than the July 3, 2024, pay ... Read More >>
No Longer with MGEC – How Do I Get my Backpay?
If you separated/changed from State service after 7/1/23 you are entitled to backpay for the increased rate of pay effective retroactively to 7/1/23. This would include those that retired or were promoted out of the MGEC bargaining unit. To get your backpay, contact your prior human resources representative. You won’t receive your backpay without reaching out to request it. ... Read More >>