MGEC members were able to get some sun, compete for golf prizes, and participate in the Annual Meeting & Dinner on Thursday, September 29th. Held at Oak Marsh Golf Course, the event offered a much-welcomed recreational opportunity for MGECers to reconnect with each other in person – the first such opportunity since COVID. Sponsored by WSB and Hiway Credit Union, the shotgun-start golf event brought out foursomes from different parts of Minnesota, competing against each other but all united by the MGEC labor agreement. Awards for play were given to… results here. MGEC is very proud ... Read More >>
Activity/Organization updates
MGEC Executive Board Elections
The election ballot was approved at the September 26 board meeting. Thank you to the full members who have dedicated their time by submitting a candidate form and stepping up to work on behalf of the MGEC members. Now is a great time to review the candidates before the election ballot is sent out. Ballots will be sent out to full members on October 23, 2022. The ballot will close at 4:30pm November 8th. Positions available: Vice President (3 year term: 1 year VP, 1 year President and 1 year Past President) Fernando Nacionales Secretary (2 year term) Benton Campbell 5 Director ... Read More >>
2022 Golf Event Results
Thank you to all of the golfers that participated in our annual golf tournament. We were fortunate to have beautiful weather which contributed to the fun day everyone had. Events like this are a great opportunity to network, meet people (missed during COVID), and rejuvenate. Thank you to Hiway Credit Union and WSB for sponsoring the event. Here are how the teams fared for the day. ... Read More >>
MGEC Elections
Each year the MGEC Executive Board has positions open for the following year allowing half the board to turn over each year. Past board members usually comment that being on the board was educational, a good experience, and gave them broader exposure to their work world. The 2022 election for positions starting January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024 is open. Be part of the bargaining process for the next contract. The election takes place the end of October or early November. Full members are encouraged to express interest to contact MGEC or call 651-774-0996 to ask questions. Nonmembers can sign ... Read More >>
Juneteenth Update Apology & Revision
MGEC apologizes for statements included in our recent Juneteenth website update. We recognize now that in saying Juneteenth matters to MGEC to be able to “celebrat[e] our common humanity and dignity” we wrongly tried to play the issue both ways, given the MGEC Board’s history of silence on issues affecting the humanity and dignity of our members who are BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or part of other marginalized communities. We cannot just celebrate the fight against racism when it is convenient to us (e.g., getting a day off work). We understand now that we must work to do better to fight it ... Read More >>
Professional Ethics Seminar Final Day to Register April 15th
This is the final days to register for the Professional Ethics Seminar April 18th, 2022 - Noon - 2:00pm. Register Here Friendly reminder: Remember that you are only required to have 2 hours of ethics training during the license period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. MGEC provided an ethics training in February 2021, so if you participated in that training, you would not need to participate in this training. Make sure to keep a copy of your certificate so you can track your hours! Here are a few additional details for the upcoming Ethics Seminar. This is a virtual ... Read More >>