It's been an honor serving as your president for the 2nd time, with half of it in absentia (3 months in Japan, 2 months in the Philippines and 1 month in Guam). Many thanks to Dan Sullivan for his leadership as he hangs his Past President hat for the 2nd time. Looking forward to Corey Mathisen taking back the President mantle in January. Thanks to these gentlemen, other board members and officers, as well as our dedicated staff, for your hard work while I was gone. It seems not too long ago when we were in the middle of contract negotiations. Our 2023-2025 agreement saw the largest ... Read More >>
Board Election Winners
The MGEC Board Election Results are in. Even though we didn’t have any contested races in this cycle, we wanted to maintain the rhythm of the election cycle for several reasons: we want to make sure people know that they can select MGEC leadership every year; and we want the names and bios of MGEC leadership to be visible via the election process itself. Pursuant to MGEC’s Constitution, nominations for Board seats were open in September. The ballots were electronically distributed only to full MGEC members in October, and the voting window closed the same day as the Federal and State ... Read More >>
MnDOT Meet and Confer
On Wednesday, November 5th, a “meet and confer” meeting was held between senior MnDOT staff and MGEC. The goal of a meet and confer is to identify issues that affect members within a specific agency that don’t rise to the level of a solution that needs to come from the bargaining table. This meeting’s agenda included clarification on the Student Loan Reimbursement program, and discussions on concern over changes to teleworking affecting some members, and our mileage issue over reimbursements for meals while traveling. A MGEC member reached out to us about being denied a student loan ... Read More >>
Time Entry for Overnight Workers
Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB)– the state agency that manages operations for its various agencies – announced that they are altering how they expect time to be entered for employees who have workdays that stretch across calendar days. Specifically, this is almost always employees who work overnight. While most MGEC members work “regular” workdays, we do have members who work overnight and we want to make sure they are aware of the change. In order to better comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act, MMB wants hours worked to be recorded on the actual day they are worked. The ... Read More >>
MGEC Metro Representative Needed
Do you value what MGEC does for you? Do you see new employees come into your workplace and recognize the importance of being a member of MGEC? MGEC’s Representatives serve as our site-based ambassadors to answer questions from folks in the workplace as well as reaching out to new employees to become MGEC members. Their work is CRITICAL to keep MGEC strong! Is this something you’re interested in? Send us a note of interest. Heather Gardner, our longtime Representative based in Roseville, has moved to a different location and we have a strong need there. Let us know! ... Read More >>
Open Enrollment is Open October 25th – November 13th
The statewide Joint Labor Management Committee met October 15th to discuss changes to next year’s health plan. There aren’t any large-scale changes in this off-cycle year, but there are some items to pay attention to. MOST important is Open Enrollment from October 25th-November 13th. Bear in mind that Veteran’s Day is right before the close of open enrollment; don’t wait until the last minute to review your coverages and make any changes! Two items discussed at the Joint Labor Management Committee (the task force that negotiates healthcare) include ensuring that you make elections that ... Read More >>