Arbitration is scheduled for September 7-9. We continue to prepare information for the hearing. The arbitration determination will likely be made in October/November of 2022. It’s likely that backpay is not given until sometime in 2023.
MGEC secured James Lundberg as arbitrator for the Interest Arbitration of the MGEC contract for 2021-2023. The hearing will be Sept. 7-9. The arbitrator may allow two more weeks for briefs to be submitted. If that happens, we may have an arbitration award by mid to late October. Then MMB would have a week to submit the award to the legislative Subcommittee on Employee Relations. They can take 30 days to meet concerning the award. After that, we anticipate that the employer may take another 30-45 days to implement the pay changes.
In the meantime, every effort is being made to refine the strongest case possible for each of the classifications we represent. Additionally, we’re seeking members’ input on justification for an across the board increase greater than 2.5% for 2022. We want an arbitrator to address the impact of inflation. More than likely, we’ll ask the arbitrator to consider questions asking if the employer has negotiated in good faith with MGEC when ignoring inflation, when ignoring market rates for comparable work, and when denying a holiday provided to all other state employees. Pattern bargaining hardly reflects bargaining when it ignores the facts unique to the positions we represent. In recognition of greater than 8% inflation factor which has significantly impacted the purchasing power of wages earned in 2022 and which many members have complained about, we’re striving to provide employees with a contract that is meaningful and unique to them. Arbitrators haven’t had to address inflation awards for many years, since the 80’s, and so our request is for them to do what we believe is right. It’s taking more time than preferred to get these arguments before an arbitrator. Our members have been clear, they want us to work to meet their needs rather than just take the pattern set by someone else.