July 17, 2023, MDH started Executive Meet & Confers on a quarterly basis. MGEC began with thanking Commissioner Brooke Cunningham for making communication and working with employees a new priority. MGEC also carried to this meeting the discussion about MDH requiring meal receipts. Other agencies have reimbursed meals without that requirement. Other participants raised their voice suggesting appreciation for MGEC bringing this topic to the forefront this will be investigated by the labor relations and the commissioner. Why did the department of Health require receipts when some other agencies do not? MDH leadership will take a closer look into their history on this subject and respond to MGEC. MGEC is raising issues that managers and other unions think are important.
MGEC also thanked MDH for initiating the Memorandum of Understanding with MGEC to recognize employees great service during the COVID crisis with bonuses. That meant a lot! It was a great step in rebuilding the employer union (employee) partnership.
Next meeting – discuss fear RN’s 50% have about their work environment and possible retaliation on the federal side of the organization if they speak up.