MGEC joined several other unions at a fall Employee Day. This event had been on hold the past several years due to COVID and a shortage of funds. Now the transportation department finds itself with a lot more funds for more projects. The new challenge, finding people to do the work. The State demographer’s presentation continued to report the following: 1) finding workers will continue to be difficult and become more so as future generations will simple have less people, 2) young workers (those in their 20s- 30s) will be the most migratory and seek new and the most flexibility (telework, childcare, flexible hours, part-time opportunities, greater pay), 3) older workers will continue to work longer; they too seeking flexibility and part-time opportunities.
The MnDOT Metro District (Roseville) has 93% full membership. When it comes to bargaining and lobbying, membership matters. Due to telework, newer employees don’t hear firsthand from coworkers of the value their union, MGEC, provides them. Within the state, it’s the union that fights for better wages, greater flexibility, and provides employees with a voice. Not a member yet, join MGEC today. Questions, contact MGEC at 651-774-0996 or Want to meet, help us set up a date and time to meet at your workplace during the workday or other location after work.