MGEC Tentative Agreement
Agreement 2021-2023
The MGEC Bargaining Team has reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) to succeed the 2019-2021 MGEC Contract. “Tentative Agreement” means the Bargaining Team reached a voluntary agreement which it strongly supports for presentation to the MGEC Executive Board for their consideration. MGEC President Corey Mathisen called a special meeting of the Board to hear and act upon the tentative agreement. The Board acted today, (Monday, August 1, 2022) to have the TA be sent to full members with recommendation to approve it. Once final language of the proposal and contract have been approved and interpretation of the language confirmed, the ballot will go out to members. The timeline for that might be the third week in August.
A virtual meeting of the membership has been set up by President Mathisen for Tuesday, August 2, 2022 from noon to 1:00 pm to present the TA and have discussion with members. We hope you can join us!
Phone number: 651-395-7448
Phone conference ID: 200 809 661#