MGEC filed a grievance concerning employees who were not paid their Deferred Compensation match in 2019. This issue impacted approximately 462 employees!
Arbitrator Wallin found that the employer’s change in process, so employees had to request matching funds was not reasonable; not done properly, and did not apply to employees who wanted the deferred comp match. Arbitrator Wallin said the process only applied to employees seeking to cash out vacation, not those who wished to receive the $300 in matching funds for their deferred compensation account. The state had attempted to argue they could unilaterally determine the procedure to be applied for an employee receiving matching funds.
In the coming weeks/months, the State of Minnesota will provide MGEC with a list of those denied the funds. MGEC will share the list with members so everyone can make sure they get the matching funds owed to them.
If you have any questions, please reach out to