Present | Present | ||
President Fernando Nacionales | X | Director Blake Nelson | X |
Vice President Corey Mathisen | X | Director Brandon JB Nelson | X |
Past President Dan Sullivan | X | Director Luke Schuette | X |
Treasurer Wes Leksell | Director Mike Rude | X | |
Secretary Benton Campbell | X | Director Mark Trogstad-Isaacson | X |
Director Carroll Aasen | X | Executive Director Dana Wheeler | X |
Director John Dalton | X | Administrative Assistant Donna Blackwell | X |
Director Jared DeMaster | X | Labor Relations Specialist Tony Kelly | X |
Director Bruce Henningsgaard | X |
Meeting called to order by President Fernando Nacionales at 4:34 PM.
Review & Approve Agenda (Fernando Nacionales)
Blake Nelson adds a coalition insurance update item to the agenda. Blake Nelson moves to approve the agenda as edited, Carroll Aasen seconds. Motion Carries.
Secretary’s Report – Review & Approve Past Minutes (Benton Campbell)
- March 25th, 2024 Meeting Minutes
- Jared DeMaster moves to approve the March minutes, Corey Mathisen seconds. Motion carries.
- Other special meeting minutes
- Will be presented at May board meeting. They are personnel related and Fernando Nacionales would like to resolve action items from those meetings prior to publicly adding them to the record.
President’s Report (Fernando Nacionales)
- Will be in Philippines for the May meeting, back stateside for June.
Executive Director’s Report (Dana Wheeler)
- Staff Leave Balances
- Reviewed
- Building tax evaluation
- Ongoing, received information from the County.
Insurance Bargaining Update (Blake Nelson)
- Met on April 16
- Updates from SEGIP director. By law, state must offer High Deductible plan, which only covers approximately 330 employees. SEGIP has concerns about cost of that, but no action coming.
- State legislator loophole: they can opt in and out at will of the insurance plan, legislature will attempt to close this.
- New well-being program through WebMD. Less funded and self-guided.
- Life and disability insurance programs have been difficult for new employees to sign up for.
- Vision Insurance survey to MGEC members is ongoing
- Preventative care: what screenings should be included? Items graded C and D by the medical community are not covered, A and B are.
Treasurer’s Report (Wes Leksell/Dana Wheeler)
- Finance Committee Update
Committee Reports
- Membership Committee Report (Mike Rude)
- Committee proposes doing Constitution/Bylaw changes month by month
- This month: Articles 1-3
- No proposed changes to Article 1 and 2
- Article 3: Remove “Supporting Member” – fair-share membership is not really necessary anymore. Very few members are part of this category. Board agrees this should be removed in presentation to the membership for their ratification.
Membership Update (Donna Blackwell)
- New hires, retirees, outstanding list of recent potential members.
- Reviewed
Labor Relations Update (Tony Kelly)
- Ongoing grievances
- Reviewed
- Worksite Meetings
- Maplewood successful
- Detroit Lakes and Mankato scheduled later in April, MDH scheduled for May
- Vacation Accrual: Success stories
- LPCR Update
- Golf event
- Initial planning stages, could be at Oak Marsh. Dan Sullivan and Tony Kelly to lead planning.
Vice President’s Report (Corey Mathisen)
- Proposed meeting for May moved to 5/20 to not conflict with Memorial Day. Agreed upon by board.
Past President’s Report (Dan Sullivan)
- Hoping for clarity on transition from Dana to Tony.
Other items
- Class reimbursement (Donna Blackwell)
- A member has requested reimbursement for a PE class taken more than 90 days ago. Jared DeMaster moves to approve the reimbursement request, and update the website to say reimbursement requests “must” be submitted within 90 days. Luke Schuette seconds. Motion passes 7-1.
Bruce Henningsgaard moves to adjourn, Carroll Aasen seconds. Meeting adjourned at 6:24 PM.