Present | Present | ||
President Fernando Nacionales | X | Director Blake Nelson | X |
Vice President Corey Mathisen | X | Director Brandon JB Nelson | X |
Past President Dan Sullivan | X | Director Luke Schuette | X |
Treasurer Wes Leksell | X | Director Mike Rude | X |
Secretary Benton Campbell | X | Director Mark Trogstad-Isaacson | |
Director Carroll Aasen | X | Executive Director Dana Wheeler | |
Director John Dalton | X | Administrative Assistant Donna Blackwell | X |
Director Jared DeMaster | X | Labor Relations Specialist Tony Kelly | X |
Director Bruce Henningsgaard | X |
Others in attendance: Matt Werlinger (MnDOT)
Meeting called to order by Corey Mathisen at 4:38 PM
Review & Approve Agenda (Corey Mathisen for Fernando Nacionales)
Blake Nelson moves to approve the agenda, Bruce Henningsgaard seconds. Motion Passes.
Secretary’s Report – Review & Approve Past Minutes (Benton Campbell)
- April 22nd, 2024 Meeting Minutes
- Jared DeMaster moves to approve the minutes, Carroll Aasen seconds. Motion Passes.
President’s Report (Fernando Nacionales)
- Working on Dana Wheeler’s contract, seems to have an agreement in principle. Will work on Donna Blackwell’s contract upon his return from active duty and vacation.
Executive Director’s Report (Tony Kelly in Dana’s absence)
- Staff Leave Balances
- Reviewed
Treasurer’s Report (Wes Leksell/Dana Wheeler)
- Finance Committee Update
- No updates
Committee Reports
- Membership Committee Report (Mike Rude)
- Proposed Constitutional Updates: Articles 4-8
- Reviewed by board. Minor updates and housekeeping, no major changes. Next meeting will include Article 9.
- Scholarships and Awards
- No current qualified candidates. Board members encouraged to get the word out.
- Article Bylines
- Identify POV stories by author, topical updates use the voice of the organization
- Next meeting June 20th
- Proposed Constitutional Updates: Articles 4-8
Membership Update (Donna Blackwell)
- New hires, retirees, outstanding list of recent potential members.
- Not many new hires in the last month.
Labor Relations Update (Tony Kelly)
- Grievances
- Reviewed ongoing grievances.
- Worksite Meetings
- Bemidji and MDH-St. Paul this week. Great attendance at meetings this past month, many members being made aware of the vacation accrual credit contract changes and taking advantage.
- MDH FLSA Change to Grad 2s
- Approximately 10 employees reclassified from exempt to non-exempt. Discussed pros and cons. MGEC may ask for some clarification on the specific mechanisms for tracking hours.
- MnDOT Meet and Confer
- Updates on contract items
- Clarification on mileage issues
- Annual Meeting/Golf event: Sept 26
- Large banquet room
- 9-hole. Discussion of 9 and 18, seems unlikely that the course would allow two different tournament sizes.
- Blake Nelson: Green Card/Visa discussion that will likely affect employment of current employees
- Generally a federal issue.
Vice President’s Report (Corey Mathisen)
- No updates.
Past President’s Report (Dan Sullivan)
- No updates, except a general reminder that some board members are not Timberwolves fans.
Bruce Henningsgaard moves to adjourn, Carroll Aasen seconds. Meeting adjourned 5:43 PM.