Present | Present | ||
President Fernando Nacionales | X | Director Blake Nelson | X |
Vice President Corey Mathisen | X | Director Brandon JB Nelson | X |
Past President Dan Sullivan | X | Director Luke Schuette | X |
Treasurer Wes Leksell | X | Director Mike Rude | X |
Secretary Benton Campbell | X | Director Mark Trogstad-Isaacson | X |
Director Carroll Aasen | X | Executive Director Dana Wheeler | X |
Director John Dalton | Administrative Assistant Donna Blackwell | X | |
Director Jared DeMaster | X | Labor Relations Specialist Tony Kelly | X |
Director Bruce Henningsgaard | X |
Meeting called to order by President Fernando Nacionales at 4:33 PM.
Review & Approve Agenda (Fernando Nacionales)
Carroll Aasen moves to approve the agenda with the addition of a safety footwear update by Blake Nelson, Blake Nelson seconds. Motion Carries.
Secretary’s Report – Review & Approve Past Minutes (Benton Campbell)
- June 24th, 2024 Meeting Minutes
- Bruce Henningsgaard moves to approve the minutes, Mike Rude seconds. Motion Carries.
President’s Report (Fernando Nacionales)
- Will be calling a special board meeting to discuss staffing contracts and updates.
- Excited for Annual Meeting in a few months.
Executive Director’s Report (Dana Wheeler)
- Staff Leave Balances
- Reviewed
Treasurer’s Report (Wes Leksell)
- Finance Committee Update
- Credit Union has mis-deposited one $475 rent check for the building. Staff and Wes Leksell will track this down and ensure it is corrected.
Committee Reports
- Membership Committee Report (Mike/Donna)
- Met July 17th
- Scholarship update:
- Recommend for Board approval $2000 for Applicant #2
- Recommend for Board approval $1000 for Applicants 1 and 3
- Corey Mathisen moves to approve the three scholarship awards, Jared DeMaster seconds. Motion Carries.
- Discussion of Bylaw update
- Question about the nature of Bylaw 5
- Will be redirected to the Committee
- Updates from specific dates to “first Tuesday of November”, etc.
- Question about the nature of Bylaw 5
- No vote on June’s set of proposals. Mike Rude moves to send the proposed Bylaw and Article changes to the membership. Luke Schuette seconds. Motion Carries.
Membership Update (Donna Blackwell)
- New hires, retirees, outstanding list of recent potential members.
- Good recent full membership rates
- Reminder to Board Members to register for the dinner at Annual Meeting. 36/64 spots registered already. Bruce Henningsgaard claims he will be “registering soon” for golf
Labor Relations Update (Tony Kelly)
- Grievances
- Reviewed PAL, mileage, and reallocation grievances
- Plan for in-person December board meeting
Vice President’s Report (Corey)
- Question for MnDOT employees: Is a 4-yr degree required for the ES position? A: No, often, ES promoted from TS series, likely a 2-yr degree. Some do have 4-yr degrees, but more often those are grad engineers who couldn’t pass the PE.
Other updates
- Blake Nelson: Went through a safety training today led by MnDOT state safety officer. Trainers recommended boots with an ice cleat built in.
- Discussion from hiring managers in MnDOT that senior engineer positions may be considered “Hard to Fill” and come with a $5,000 hiring bonus.
Past President’s Report (Dan)
- No updates
- Blake Nelson moves to adjourn. Corey Mathisen seconds. Motion Carries. Meeting adjourned 5:26 PM.