Employees who set aside money in pretax Dependent Care (daycare), Transit and Medical/Dental expense accounts have until Feb. 29 to complete reimbursement requests 2023 expenses.
Dependent Care Expense Account (DCEA) is use it or lose it. You will lose any 2023 funds you didn’t submit eligible receipts for by Feb. 29, 2024.
Medical Dental Expense Accounts (MDEA) may allow you to carry over up to $610 if you meet certain requirements. You will lose any amount over $610 if you don’t submit eligible receipts by Feb. 29, 2024.
Transit Expense Accounts are Parking (PKEA) and Bus pass/Vanpool (BVEA). The deadline to submit eligible receipts is Feb. 29. These accounts have specific requirements for submission and carryover.
SEGIP’s newsfeed and website have more details, or contact Benefit Resource, the pretax vendor.