MGEC elected to start our negotiations later than usual in 2019; we will first be meeting with State negotiators in September. Your MGEC insurance team has been actively participating in the early insurance bargaining. This gives your MGEC negotiating team more time to prepare and allows us to observe and react to the negotiation process between the State and the other unions. Look forward to information on the MGEC Executive Board’s thoughts going into this negotiating cycle, as well as an electronic member survey in July.
We are finalizing our 2019 Contract Negotiations Member Survey. In particular, we are looking forward to thoughts and comments on contract language that needs improvement, clarification, or revision. Thoughtful opinions on compensation and other contract content are welcome. In addition, your team is interested in hearing about experiences- good or bad- with existing and new language and offerings such as the Health Care Savings Plan (HCSP) account, deferred compensation, phased retirement, and expense reimbursements for safety boots or professional memberships.